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About Me..

Hi there!


I began this adventure in 2012, just when the world was said to be ending... So as it didn't, or so it seems, I started to do some changes in my life: I quit my ordinary job, I began to do meditation (pineal), some travel, re-discovering nature feelings, mountain walkings, making new friends and experiences... and one of those days , after an spontaneous meditation in Montségur (south of France) I began to work with seeds and beads as if I have always been doing it...

Just to play at first, little by little everything around was seem to be helping me somehow,  like a magic wheel that makes everything easier. "That's the power of the attraction law"  I was told once, and the only thing you have to do then is  following its magical path... as simple as it sounds ;)




As a result of my studies (Bachelor in History -Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology- University of Barcelona, 1997) I re-discovered too some of my old interests in Anthropology, looking for ancient jewelry types, intrigued about those magical faculties of some shamanic necklaces , bracelets and their relationship with chakras, health and some kind of enlightment and mental benefits.

For me, the process of handmade beadworking is something that involves many kind of positive energies: when you create, you can feel your inner frequencies getting higher, so it does meditation, and dancing and laughing too.

If in addition you can work with natural seeds and stones the results are almost alchemycal.



We firmly believe in the power of nature, in the alchemy that takes place when we mixed its treasures, in the light of its gems, the magic of its seeds....  we work with its many gifts,  trying to give back to the world that what the world gives us in wild condition.

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